
175+ Memorable Quotes About Family Travel You’ll Love

A list of quotes about family travel that will entice you to pack your bags and explore new places with your family.

Sat, 25 Sep 2021

175+ Memorable Quotes About Family Travel You’ll Love


Bonds are created whenever you travel with your family. They may not always be smooth, but surely, traveling with your family will always create adventures and memories that will last a lifetime.

There may be times when we get caught in our daily routines that we lose track of spending quality time with our family.

Going through these quotes about family travel may just be what you need to remember those times spent together, and maybe, just maybe, motivate you to get everyone together for that next family adventure.

Family Holiday Quotes

Quote 1

Traveling in the company of those we love is home in motion.
Leigh Hunt

Quote 2

Long before all these divisions were opened between home and the road, betweens a woman's place and a man's world, humans followed the crops, the seasons, traveling with their families, our companions, animals, our tents. We built campfires and moved from place to place. This way of traveling is still in our cellular memory.
Gloria Steinem

Quote 3

There are no perfect parents and there are no perfect children, but there are plenty of perfect moments along the way.
Dave Willis

Quote 4

There are two kinds of travel: first class and with children.
Robert Benchley

Quote 5

A road trip is a way for the whole family to spend time together and annoy each other in interesting new places.
Tom Lichtenheld

Quote 6

May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.
Trenton Lee Stewart

Quote 7

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.
George Burns

Quote 8

Two of the greatest gifts we can give our children are roots and wings.
Hodding Carter

Quote 9

In the end, kids won’t remember that fancy toy you bought them, they will remember the time you spent with them.
Kevin Heith

Quote 10

Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves
Stephen Moss

Quote 11

When you travel with your children you are giving them something that can never be taken away – experience, exposure and a way of life.
Pamela T. Chandler

Quote 12

My ideal travel companions are my family.
Pharell Williams

Quote 13

Home is people. Not a place.
Robin Hobb

Quote 14

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.
Rachel Carson

Quote 15

We have such a brief opportunity to pass on to our children our love for this Earth and to tell our stories. These are the moments when the world is made whole. In my children’s memories, the adventures we’ve had together in nature will always exist.
Richard Louv

Quote 16

We took a family trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia over Christmas and New Year's. Three weeks was a long time, but it was cool, man. We were on the ocean, so that was kind of intense. After a couple of days you realize how far out you are.
Prince Fielder

Quote 17

I managed to take a family trip to the Bahamas and it was quite lovely.
Jackie Collins

Quote 18

For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
Christina Rossetti

Quote 19

My sisters and I sit together on a pair of suitcases. If we've forgotten anything, it's already too late -- our rooms have all been sealed and photographed. Anyway, Tatiana would say it's bad luck to return for something you've forgotten.
Sarah Miller

Quote 20

Just got back from a pleasure trip: I took my mother-in-law to the airport.
Henry Youngman

Quote 21

My earliest memory from childhood is of fishing with my father. And I remember vividly we were in a store, and we were buying a pup tent to go on our first camping trip.
David Suzuki

Quote 22

For Christmas 1999, my husband surprised me with a trip to Disney World. Along with our boys, we were standing on the roof of the Contemporary Hotel at midnight on New Year's Eve 2000 watching fireworks explode over every amusement park in Orlando. It was a magical way to celebrate the millennial, and a never-to-be-forgotten Christmas present.
Karen Robards

Quote 23

Gérard Mourou, who was my PhD supervisor, dreamed up the idea of increasing laser intensity by orders of magnitude. He did it while he was on a ski trip with his family. He probably shouldn't have been thinking about lasers.
Donna Strickland

Quote 24

My favorite road trip ever is when my wife and I took an RV around the country. We just had the best time.
Bill Engvall

Quote 25

I grew up mostly in Germany, but my favorite summer trip was driving from North Carolina to Texas in a camper with my parents and us six kids.
Michael Strahan

Quote 26

When I was seven months pregnant with my son, my mother and I took a trip to El Salvador, where she's from. Frequent visits with her to see my extended family have taught me how different life can be if you are born into poverty.
Christy Turlington

Quote 27

My father suffered from chronic wanderlust. When I was 14, he set out on a yearlong road trip across Europe and Asia - and decided to take me along for company.
Scott Anderson

Quote 28

My bookstore obsession grew to the point where I'd search for new shops during family trips, as though that were the reason for our travel.
Lewis Buzzbee

Quote 29

You don’t read, you don’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to live in different worlds, to travel on great adventures through the galaxy with people you know better than you know your own family. To live and die with them. These are my friends, my best friends in the world.
Atticus Shaffer

Quote 30

The average food item on a U.S. grocery shelf has traveled farther than most families go on their annual vacations.
Barbara Kingsolver

Quote 31

It’s International Friendship Day, which I didn’t know about until I saw it all over Instagram today! I’ve loved all of the friendships I’ve made through travel, but even more I love the friendships my kids have made - whether it’s on an airplane, in a park, on a playground, at a cooking class or, in this case, at a jungle lodge in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. Take your kids everywhere! And then let them run around and be kids and make friends.
Eric Stoen on Instagram

Quote 32

Never go on trips with anyone whom you do not love.
Ernest Hemingway

Quote 33

I take my children everywhere, but they always find their way back home.
Robert Orben

Quote 34

And that's the wonderful thing about family travel: it provides you with experiences that will remain locked forever in the scar tissue of your mind.
Dave Barry

Quote 35

My family traveled a lot. For a while we even lived in a trailer and traveled from campground to campground. If we got to eat at the Cheesecake Factory, it was the highlight of our whole year! But I don't miss having to share a bathroom with seven people or having powdered milk with my cereal. It was so nasty.
Alice Greczyn

Quote 36

What’s your favourite place?” “I don’t have a favourite place, I have my favourite people. And, whenever I’m with my favourite people, it becomes by favourite place.
Nivaz Ahemad

Quote 37

All adventures happen in that damned and magical space, wherever it may be found or chanced upon, which least resembles one's home.
Michael Chabon

Quote 38

Children whose families take them to museums and zoos, who visit historic sites, who travel abroad, or who camp in remote areas accumulate huge chunks of background knowledge without even studying. For the impoverished child lacking the travel portfolio of affluence, the best way to accumulate background knowledge is by either reading or being read to.
Jim Trelease

Quote 39

When you travel with your family, you may not get the volume of work done you would if you were alone, but you can still do something while recharging.
Barbara DeMarco-Barrett

Quote 40

Our children should be properly introduced to the world in which they live.
Thomas Berry

Quote 41

What do parents owe their young that is more important than a warm and trusting connection to the Earth?
Theodore Roszak

Quote 42

The best education you will ever get is travelling. Nothing teaches you more than exploring the world and accumulating experiences.
Mark Paterson

Quote 43

Those who think money can't buy happiness just don't know where to shop … People would be happier and healthier if they took more time off and spent it with their family and friends, yet America has long been heading in the opposite direction.
Jonathan Haidt

Quote 44

I bet if I asked your kids, they’d say that they’d rather have you home every night to play with them than the weeklong summer trip to the lake where you’re stressed out the whole time anyways.
Daniel Willey

Quote 45

If I want to travel with my family I have to purchase 7 airline tickets.
David Koechner

Quote 46

My last trip to New Orleans was for the fifth anniversary of Katrina, and I had the awesome opportunity to bring my family down. We all worked on a house together and met some of the families.
AnnaLynne McCord

Quote 47

In 1903 the Wright brothers invented airplanes, because in 1902 they took a road trip across the country with their family.
Bill Engvall

Quote 48

At the moment I have my family coming out with me on the road. We have our own vehicle and its more like a family vacation. I just stop, do some gigs, and take off. Its a lot more fun now with the family.
Dave Lombardo

Quote 49

The first axiom of the family vacation is that someone, possibly everyone, will get sick.
Marni Jackson

Quote 50

My jobs often end up being our family vacations, and so far it has been great.
Christopher Gorham

Quote 51

Build traditions of family vacations and trips and outings. These memories will never be forgotten by your children.
Ezra Taft Benson

Quote 52

I am convinced that the greatest legacy we can leave our children are happy memories: those precious moments so much like pebbles on the beach that are plucked from the white sand and placed in tiny boxes that lay undisturbed on tall shelves until one day they spill out and time repeats itself, with joy and sweet sadness, in the child now an adult.
Og Mandino

Quote 53

My family never went skiing. My dad was afraid of heights and my mom felt that a vacation was only a vacation if it involved reading at least two books on the beach.
Lisa Greenwald

Quote 54

But even the best lives need a vacation and, let’s face it, renting a house with your family at a ski resort is not a vacation. It’s basically moving your life from one location to another.
Laurie Gelman

Quote 55

Australia basically holds the copyright on “weird ecosystem.” The only place where you’re going to find weirder things is at the bottom of the ocean, and no one suggests that you go there for a fun family vacation.
Seanan McGuire

Quote 56

This tip was given to me by our sleep trainer and it’s such a great piece of advice! She recommended that when we travel with the kids to pack black garbage bags and tape them around the windows wherever we are staying. Not everyone has black out curtains ... and both of our little ones sleep in complete darkness with white noise machines on."
Ali Fedotowsky Manno

Quote 57

I just wanted to let them know that it wasn’t going to be like America, where there’s a kids' menu and to encourage them to try what [Kyle and I] were eating.
Eva Amurri Martino

Quote 58

Actually, I’m glad I’m not rich. I’ve gotta believe that it’s harder to die if you are. Not only do you lose possession of all those assets, all that cash and those stocks and bonds and cars and antiques and silver and paintings and vacation homes, but in those final days and weeks there can be no denying that a tremendous amount of your life was spent accumulating and fussing over all those assets, time that could have been spent with family and friends or fishing or traveling...
Jonathan Hull

Quote 59

They traveled together to conferences all over the world, and many meetings were piggybacked with family vacations.
Lisa Genova

Quote 60

I suddenly remember how different I am from most of the kids here. Nobody would have to drag me or my brothers to the Bahamas; we'd swim there if we could. For us, a family vacation is staying at a local hotel with a swimming pool for a weekend.
Angie Thomas

Quote 61

Traveling is a big part of my life, and I want to share that with the people close to me.
Candice Accola

Quote 62

A big birthday party, a family vacation, or other large-scale events like those are all wonderful, precious, and such a treat.
Amanda Blake Soule

Quote 63

The sad truth is, John and I and the kids only took Route 66 once on our trips to Disneyland. Our family, like the rest of America, succumbed to the lure of faster highways, more direct routes, higher speed limits. We forgot about taking the slow way. It makes you wonder if something inside us knows that our lives are going to pass faster than we could ever realize.
Michael Zadoorian

Quote 64

Traveling with children corresponds roughly to traveling third class in Bulgaria.
Robert Benchley

Quote 65

I don’t know if this is always true, but in 1991 I took my family on a vacation where I’d have to say that just about all of our enjoyment was experienced through the anticipation. Not that the vacation was horrible (which it was), but the anticipation of this vacation was incredible.
Tim Shortridge

Quote 66

It didn’t dawn on me until later that camping was a poor family’s idea of a vacation.
C.V. Hunt

Quote 67

Our experiences shape the way we think, the way we interact with each other, and the way we live. They add richness and depth and meaning to our days. You can give your children toys today that quickly end up in tomorrow’s trash. Or you can deliver a living, breathing experience that shapes their souls, enriches their lives, and makes their world and yours a doorway to tomorrow.
Mark Batterson

Quote 68

Take the break you can, whether it’s a vacation, a day off, or a minibreak. Make time to be rigorously unproductive, see friends and family, and step away from your email and phone.
Liz Fosslien

Quote 69

My mom is from Venezuela, and my dad is German and Japanese, and we lived in Brazil when I was a kid for a couple of years, and then I grew up on Long Island. I think all the traveling and all the nationalities put that stuff in my head. I was just around it a lot.
Fred Armisen

Quote 70

I spent the first seven years of my life in a caravan traveling around Europe and the United States because my parents were just obsessed with traveling.
Alex Sharp

Quote 71

Traveling with kids is tough. My best advice is don't do it.
Tom Segura

Quote 72

Home is where your family is. Wherever you are, it's about the people you're surrounded by, not necessarily where you lay your head.
Jenji Kohan

Quote 73

My family gets incredibly tense and stressed out around traveling. There's something really beautiful in that vulnerability.
Jill Soloway

Quote 74

Be adventurous and try new things both on and off the resort. And, don’t forget to take lots of photos so you can look back at memories that will last a lifetime. That’s something I’ve always encouraged with my children especially as they get older!
Jennifer Valentyne

Quote 75

Once you get to your vacation destination, I say take full advantage of the opportunity to dress your kids in adorable vacation clothes! These are the memories you’ll cherish and the photos that you’ll look back on for years to come, so why not go all out with, say, matching Hawaiian shirts? And if you’re feeling extra festive, throw one on yourself too!
Jessi Crickshank

Quote 76

My happiest moments are when I'm with my family and when I go to the park at school with my friends.
Jacob Tremblay

Quote 77

Weekends are sacred for me. They're the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends.
Marcus Samuelsson

Quote 78

I make sure that I spend quality time with my family.
Suniel Shetty

Quote 79

Travel with fun people. If there are flight delays or any hassles, at least you’re surrounded by people who will entertain you. You’ll never get too bored or frustrated. Sasha and I travel with a lot of great people — our family, our coaches and sometimes, friends.
Mischa Zverev

Quote 80

The other thing is quality of life; if you have a place where you can go and have a picnic with your family, it doesn't matter if it's a recession or not, you can include that in your quality of life.
Jim Fowler

Quote 81

Family trips to Yellowstone and to what are now national parks in Southern Utah, driving the primitive roads and cars of that day, were real adventures.
Paul D. Boyer

Quote 82

You need to be an adrenaline junkie when you travel with kids.
Graeme Le Saux

Quote 83

A vacation frequently means that the family goes away for a rest, accompanied by a mother who sees that the others get it.
Marcelene Cox

Quote 84

In America there are two classes of travel – first class, and with children.
Robert Benchley

Quote 85

It might be said that a great unstated reason for travel is to find places that exemplify where one has been happiest. Looking for idealised versions of home—indeed, looking for the perfect memory.
Paul Theroux

Quote 86

There are no seven wonders in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
Walt Streightiff

Quote 87

Deciding not to travel with your chldren because they won't remember the trips you take is like saying don't read them books because they won't remember the stories you read.

Quote 88

The car was full of unhappy people heading west. It was the Great American Family Road Trip, all right. Whaaa-hoo!
Kim Harrison

Quote 89

I have heard several people justify working long hours and getting home from work late it night by saying things like, “I have to put in all this time to make up for the vacation we’re going to take this summer.” I bet if I asked your kids, they’d say that they’d rather have you home every night to play with them than the weeklong summer trip to the lake where you’re stressed out the whole time anyways.
Daniel Willey

Quote 90

You see the grandmother down there with her son and grandson? They’ve probably been coming here for years together. Or maybe it’s their first trip. Either way, it’s three generations sitting down together, laying aside their differences for one night to be a family.
Sherrilyn Kenyon

Quote 91

When we went back to Hawaii for the season finale of Duck Dynasty last year, Missy was determined to make up for a lot of bad memories. I did everything she wanted to do. We went on helicopter rides, boat rides, romantic dinners, and everything else you could do in Hawaii. She got her money’s worth the second time!
Jase Robertson

Quote 92

We do not do well when we are alone for a long period of time, and having friends and family alongside us through life’s journey makes the trip more enjoyable and successful. This is a fundamental truth of the world around.

Quote 93

Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey.
Jack Layton

Quote 94

I love to travel with my family or my two best friends because I completely trust them.
Julia Sawalha

Quote 95

One of the most fun ways to travel that’s super easy for parents and kids is glamping!
Elisabeth Rohm

Quote 96

Taking time out with family and friends helps to maintain the work-life balance everyone needs.
Samantha Stosur

Quote 97

I usually travel with a lot of people, like my dad, mom and sisters.
Booboo Stewart

Quote 98

I'd never stop traveling, and I love bringing my family along with me. My children have points of reference everywhere, friends from Milan to Los Angeles. I think it's really fun for them.
Valeria Mazza

Quote 99

Duct tape. Don't leave home without it. I bring it on the airplane so that I can tape the tray table shut. If anything breaks, like a stroller or a suitcase, duct tape will fix it. There is literally nothing it can’t do.
Braunwyn Windham Burke

Quote 100

We all have things that we love to do and experience when we travel. I am a professional photographer, and a huge part of my travels revolves around photos and capturing moments — whether they are my family’s or a client’s. I have been known to get up really early in the morning, load the kids in the rental car, and head out for sunrise, or even grab some fruits and water for dinner and stay out late to see the Milky Way. These moments are very special to me because I love being out in nature and I want to share that love with my family.
Karthika Gupta

Quote 101

I used to not have a hard time sleeping on planes, but ever since I had Olympia [her daughter], that’s changed.
Serena Williams

US First Ladies Quotes About Family Travel

Quote 102

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, a parent.
Barbara Bush

Quote 103

Our Christmastime trips to Barack’s home state of Hawaii became an important tradition for us, a time to catch up with his side of the family and enjoy some warm weather.
Michelle Obama

Quote 104

I’ve been so fortunate to be able to travel with Sasha and Malia all across the country and around the world—experiences my mother never would have dreamed of back when I was their age. But though the settings may be different, the message is the same, and it’s one I hope mothers everywhere pass on to their daughters—in seeking out new perspectives and reaching outside of our comfort zones, we can discover more about ourselves.
Michelle Obama

Quote 105

I tried to make our daughters’ exposure to the wide world as positive as possible, realizing that Barack and I had a unique opportunity to show them history up close.
Michelle Obama

Musicians Quotes About Family Travel

Quote 106

I don't think quantity time is as special as quality time with your family.
Reba McEntire

Quote 107

I love traveling all over the world; but it's true: there's nothing like home.
Dolly Parton

Quote 108

I’m going to be real with you. I know there’s a lot of hippy dippy moms out there who don’t approve of iPads, and I think that’s great for them. More power to you. But we definitely have iPads, because at some point travel can be total hell. Not just with kids, but in general—a flight gets delayed, things happen, weather. Just having something they can escape [with], play little games, watch movies on it.
Kelly Clarkson

Quote 109

Travel at nighttime. I know it sounds weird, but then they're asleep on the plane. Especially when we go overseas, we get on the plane and then everybody winds down. We drink some chamomile tea, calm everything down, and then we go to sleep. It's kind of perfect when you're traveling with kids to try and get those really late flights so they sleep the whole time. But I don't know. I think it's different for every family. My tips might not work for the next one.
Kelly Clarkson

Quote 110

Now when you have kids, you want to spread out, you want to cook, you want to do a lot of family things. If they don't have a beach, at least they want a pool — they can spend nearly all day in the pool.
John Legend

Quote 111

Going out on the road with a 3-month-old... I'm tired. But I mean, how many people get to take their children to work with them?
Carrie Underwood

Quote 112

I think we're going to try and take a vacation this year. It's been a couple of years since we've gone anywhere, so we deserve that. We just like to relax. Give us a beach somewhere, a lake, we're good, we're easy to please.
Carrie Underwood

Quote 113

We’re a tight little family because we travel a lot and even if we have Nic shooting a film somewhere, we just relocate as a family.
Keith Urban

TV & Movie Personalities Quotes About Family Travel

Quote 114

I truly love hearing other kids cry [on a plane] now because it means it’s not my own. That’s a better feeling than silence, honestly.
Chrissy Teigen

Quote 115

I'd rather drink a piping hot bowl of liquid rabies "than fly with kids".
Ryan Reynolds

Quote 116

After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine, I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time.
Kim Kardashian West on Twitter

Quote 117

At 2 years old they just have to rip all their clothes off and introduce themselves to everyone on the plane, it’s just like, ‘Please can we land in a farmer’s field?
Ryan Reynolds

Quote 118

I found stickers to be my go-to on a flight because markers and crayons get lost, or they roll out. For young kids who can’t stay in their seats, stickers provide enough of a tactile experience.
Kristen Bell

Quote 119

It's wonderful to travel with somebody that you love and we never travel anywhere without one another.
Roger Moore

Quote 120

If I had one day left on earth, I'd ski with my family in California's Mammoth Mountain.
Joe Jonas

Quote 121

I think it's really important to understand from a young age, how lucky we are. So I think going to places like Asia and allowing [kids] to experience a very different culture is really important.
Henry Golding

Quote 122

We're getting out into nature, cooking, camping, sitting around the fire. It's just the thing that I've always loved to do.
Oliver Hudson

Quote 123

I grew up with family who liked to travel and sightsee, so I have this pressure inside me: If I'm in a city and I have enough free time, I'd better go to a museum. I try to see parks, go outside. Or else try to feel really normal like go to Target or a drugstore, or go see a movie.
Lisa Loeb

Quote 124

Before Community started up again for the season, we had the chance to go on a long family vacation where we drove for ten days down the coast. I was like wow, look at these people that I am related to and am actually spending some quality time with! So it was great to be with them, but now my schedule is really difficult so I have to take what I can get.
Joel McHale

Quote 125

We've got a pretty close family. Just ended fourteen years of travel hockey with two boys. My daughter was always a part of that. So there's a lot of trips to the hockey games. As I tell idiotic, stupid, youth-sport parents, it's about the drive there and the drive back, not about the trophy or how your kid played. We've always had a good relationship with our kids. You're driving with them and talking to them at the age of eight. It became this adventure and they learned to love it. You connect, you really do. It's not for every family.
Jeff Daniels

Quote 126

There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.
Jerry Seinfeld

Quote 127

I kept my babies fed. I could have dumped them, but I didn't. I decided that whatever trip I was on, they were going with me. You're looking at a real daddy.
Barry White

Quote 128

If you're flying with your children, it's best to book them on the same flight and not on one where they have more legroom and are leaving at a different time. They could get there earlier than you, and that causes resentment. Two-year-olds can also never figure out those connecting flights. It just makes it harder, so travel as a family.
Will Ferrell

Quote 129

I love to travel in the holidays because I feel like I'd rather give the kids the gift of a new country than a box of presents. But I still give them some presents.
Angelina Jolie

Quote 130

Wish all of you families traveling around the country this weekend .. Safe travels! Off we go!!
Reese Witherspoon on Instagram

Quote 131

I'll tell you what I'm grateful for, and that's the clarity of understanding that the most important things in life are health, family and friends, and the time to spend on them.
Kenneth Branagh

Quote 132

When we were visiting New York City, I took my kids to the same playground where I went growing up. It was fun to feel that connection of having gone there as a kid and being there as a parent.
Ben Stiller

Quote 133

It was just this freedom of being out in the world with nothing but us and the wilderness and nature.
Oliver Hudson

Quote 134

Touring is tough. You're almost in a haze because you don't really know where you are half the time: You're in a hotel room one moment, and the next thing you know, you're onstage performing for 60,000 people, then you're back on an airplane. It's very hectic and I couldn't do it without my family.
Vanessa Hudgens

Quote 135

Being on a comedy tour is like traveling with family, everyone is all having a great time... then all of a sudden it turns sour. One thing gets said out of turn, and everyone is on everyone's last nerve. After an hour of silence, we all start laughing about it." ~ Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey

Quote 136

My kids have been traveling since they were young. They are the opposite of me. When we were like, I think we are going to stay at home this winter; they are like yeah! When I was growing up, honestly, I had a map of the world next to my bed, so I used to literally dream of places I was going to go. So, they have a slightly different perspective. I think maybe we have traveled them a bit too much. But for Deb and I, travel has always been inspiring and certainly opens your field of vision in many ways.
Hugh Jackman

Quote 137

I like traveling and organising trips to new places with my family.
Sofia Vergara

Quote 138

There's nothing like taking a beautiful vacation with your family to remind you that kids ruin everything.
Sean Lowe on Instagram

Quote 139

3 of our kids playing in the hotel room. When they're not breaking/spilling something I'm cool with anything.
Kelly Clarkson on Instagram

Quote 140

Ry and I love to travel and explore new places together, and a road trip is the ultimate way to do it!
Brandi Cyrus on Instagram

Quote 141

[A] seven or eight hour drive… that was just hell in the back with the brothers.
Chris Hemsworth

Quote 142

I’ve always had empathy for parents, especially flying. I remember before I had kids, I was always like, ‘God, that’s hard.’ Because you can see they’re sweating and they’re nervous because their kids are yelling and everyone’s mad at them.I’m the same way."
Ryan Reynolds

Quote 143

We all go together as a family.
Blake Lively

Quote 144

I wish I could be a minimalist, but with kids, you always overcompensate and want to bring everything.
Drew Barrymore

Quote 145

When we were kids and we would go on road trips or we would travel, we had each other, Uno and any toys.I remember at one point, we got really into playing jacks. It's funny because it forced us to really sort of be imaginative and connect.
Kate Hudson

Quote 146

But the best vacation I’ve ever taken was with my kids to Indonesia. We stayed at a resort in Bali and then slept on a wooden boat for three or four nights and also hiked with the Komodo dragons. It was a magical trip.
Gwyneth Paltrow

Quote 147

We were on a family trip to Death Valley, and there were moments when my husband and I wanted to just leave the kids there - all the whining! You think that no other kid can do it as much as yours. When they're with friends, they're great; when they're in the car with just the family, it's maddening at times. But you adore them anyway.
Kelli Williams

Quote 148

The memories we make with our family is everything.
Candace Cameron Bure

Quote 149

Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten
David Ogden Stiers

Quote 150

I was only there for 4 days so I didn't get to experience it, so I want to take the kids because it's so rad.The deserts and the seaside, and then the downtown [with] the architecture is insane. I'm excited to take the kids because they've never been to that part of the world.
Jessica Alba

Quote 151

They don’t sit with us in first class. They haven’t worked anywhere near hard enough to afford that. At that age, at that size, you’re telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they do not. We’re really strict on that.
Gordon Ramsay

Quote 152

No, My kids are great travellers. They have been on planes since they were tiny. They love to travel.I like to take them with me because I like to see things through their eyes. We went to New York City, where I grew up and we have been countless times, and they see things... and get really excited about it."
Gwyneth Paltrow

Quote 153

My family, you know, we love Disney. We do an annual Disney trip around the holidays and then we do this countdown. We have group chats, like, ‘Fourteen days to Disney! Seven days to Disney!’ But, we start these chats in like March. So it’s like, ‘278 days to Disney!’ My family is — we’re diehard fans of Disney. It’s just nice to be a part of the family in any way.
Chris Evans

Quote 154

I don’t know who was freaking out more... me or my six year old. This was the coolest. Big thank you to @waltdisneyworld for an amazing trip."
Justin Timberlake on Instagram

Quote 155

I did a lot of camping with my parents and my brother in the Colorado mountains where I grew up and other random places. And lots of long road trips. I have a real nostalgia for those kinds of vacations so I want to do more of that with my family.
Jessica Biel

Quote 156

White sand, no water, cool pics. #familyvacation
JoKoy on Instagram

Quote 157

When I was 16, my mom and I rented a car in Israel and drove around for a couple weeks. It was fun. I’m pretty easy maintenance, which is a good thing, since I have to travel so much for work.
Seth Rogen

Family Travel Quotes From Song Lyrics

Quote 158

Last family vacation then school is in session Cruise ship, islands, road trips, photo sessions At least now, I'll be sharing my brother's legacy
High School by Ionika

Quote 159

You see it by the way we're walking, you know how we are living I reminisce about family vacations in the summer Now we looking for publications to get us up from under
Ambidextrous by Reddy

Quote 160

And i jus wanna travel with my family And i just wanna see something ive never seen
What I Want by Janae E.

Quote 161

I wanna give back to the kids and travel the world with my family
Roses by Kahlil Simplis

Quote 162

When I was a child my family would travel Down to Western Kentucky where my parents were born And there's a backwards old town that's often remembered So many times that my memories are worn
Paradise by Johnny Cash

Quote 163

And someday you'll be the one my kids are calling mama Take a family trip we'll go adventure or stay home in our pajamas
Summer Time by Misry Bois

Quote 164

Last week i said to my boss I got to go Wanne make a trip decided long Ago A great adventure with my Lovely family Africa is the place we want to be
Ubuntu by The Generations

Quote 165

Family trips weren't boring When everywhere we went New games to see
Sault Ste. Marie by Bedford Level Experiment

Quote 166

A new day ahead to make new memories Another family trip spent by the beach And it's the time of my life And the best is yet to come It's the time of my life And we've only just begun
Always by Dave Ruth

Quote 167

I'm so glad the summer came Does that mean we get to go On a family trip again To the sea, where palm trees grow Let's head down to the beach I like jumping in the waves
Big Yellow Elephant by Genviel

Movie & TV Show Dialogs About Family Travel

Quote 168

Lord, we thank thee for the blessing of this family vacation. May David find his bliss and bring us all back home safely. May Kenny and Casey fortify their sibling bond over the warm glow of our devoted hearts. And may this entire airplane find safe passage and a bountiful life.
Jennifer Aniston in 'We're The Millers

Quote 169

We're on the brink of adventure, children. Don't spoil it with too many questions.
From the movie Mary Poppins

Quote 170

You had a dream to take your family to Wally World. Never let that go,
Clark Griswold from the movie Vacation

Quote 171

That was the best vacation ever! I love our family!
Dash from the movie Incredibles

Quote 172

Stan, we are going on a real vacation and the family is going to bond!
Francine Smith from the movie The American Dad

Quote 173

One of the most important chapters in my book is the one on what to do with the kids during summer vacation. Well whatever you do, get them out of the house, go to the mountains, go to the beach, go anywhere, but go! Or you're gonna go nuts!
Ludwig von Drake from the movie Disneyland

Quote 174

This is no longer a vacation! It's a quest! It's a quest for fun!
Clark Griswold from the movie Vacation

Quote 175

Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
Lilo from Lilo and Stitch

Quote 176

Back, you robots! Nobody ruins my family vacation but me and maybe the boy.
Homer Simpson

Quote 177

Homer, do you remember our last family vacation when you made us go to the Bowlers’ Hall of Fame in St. Louis, Missouri so you could see that car shaped like a giant bowling pin?
Marge Simpson

Quote 178

Okay, let's make a pact. This is gonna be the best vacation ever or we're all agreed to disband and join other families.
Homer Simpson

Quote 179

Well Marge, you gotta admit, I've been on my best behaviour this trip.
Homer Simpson


Life these days can certainly be monotonous. Our busy schedules barely leave us time to spend with the most important people in our lives– our family. What better way is there to spend time with them if not through travel?

Yes. These may have been just simple family travel quotes. Simple family vacation quotes. Hopefully, what you have read, though, has sparked a sense of nostalgia in you once again.

Hoping that it helped you to, once again, find that intense desire to spend quality time with your family through travel so you can create more memories to carry with you wherever you go, wherever you may be.

Last modified: Sat, 25 Sep 2021

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